… y Luz fuit!

Por fin lo conseguimos, el sábado pasado La Boutique de la Luz abrió sus puertas!

Gracias a todos los que han venido y lo han celebrado con nosotros, a los italianos que huyeron al hielo, a los amigos, a la familia, a todo el mundo!

Para los que todavía no han tenido la ocasión de venir a visitarnos, o que se han perdido el día de la inauguración, echad un vistazo al video!


3 replies on “… y Luz fuit!

  • Colin Archer

    The opening video showcases what looks to be a fantastic debut…sad i missed it. All of your photos are astoundingly beautiful. This inspiration must spring from a beautiful soul. I’m super impressed with the balance of your website. It’s professional and intriguing, i couldn’t stop “clicking’ on things. Everything looks great Martina!

    • martinazancan

      Thank you Colin, it would have been great to have you here, I missed you!
      Glad that you like the website, as you know your opinion is really important to me.
      Hope that we’ll have time to talk about everything and share our thoughts very soon.

  • anon_GQ

    Looks fantastic. Congrats on the new endeavor. Only one VIP missing from the opening gala, though… TIGRE! Perhaps we was behind the lens…

    Best of luck,



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